
Staudigl Perfumery and Health Shop Caress your Soul

Thursday, May 12 2016

Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Health Food Shop:
Monday till Friday 09:00-18:30
Saturday 09:00-17:00


Staudigl Perfumery and Health Food Shop
Wollzeile 4 and 25
1010 Vienna
.How to get there


+43 1 512 82 12 and +43 1 512 42 97

Christina Wolff-Staudigl approaches me with youthful radiance. Her recipe for her evident well-being: "Eat healthy, take care of yourself, and caress your soul. Thats what makes a person, right?" she asks mischievously. Yes, it would seem to be that simple. She certainly lives by it, and wants her customers to as well.

Its not seldom that someone comes to the Staudigl Naturparfümerie (Perfumery) for advice on small worries and woes regarding skin condition and ends up at Staudigl Reformhaus (Natural Health Food Shop) because the conversation reveals that a deficiency in important nutrients may partially be responsible. An all-encompassing consultation, and with two shops the fitting product for any situation is available. Its practical for the two stores to be so close to one another on the Wollzeile.

Christina Wolff-Staudigl never wanted to do anything else, she explains. Her parents, both chemists, founded the family company Staudigl over forty years ago. Her mother stood in their store and served customers with Christina in her arms. She literally absorbed her love for natural cosmetics and healthy nutrition from her mothers milk.

Staudigl Naturparfümerie Wien Seife
Staudigl Naturparfümerie Wien Laden
Staudigl Naturparfümerie Wien Shop
Staudigl Reformhaus und Naturparfümerie Wien Christina Wolff

There are around forty brands of high-quality natural cosmetics to be found in the perfumery, all tried and tested by Christina Wolff-Staudigl herself. Caudalie, L:A Bruket, Susanne Kaufmann, Korres, max and me, Weleda, just to name a few, including Staudigl. I hold a soft plant-based soap named "stroke" in German "Streicheleinheit" in my hands. The soap was made by her father, Christina Wolff-Staudigl adds, before we head over to the Staudigl health shop for lunch.

Staudigls kitchen serves healthy natural food in several variations. I cant pass up the gloriously fresh aroma of the asparagus cream soup, which comes with fresh wholemeal bread and a fresh pressed juice that changes daily. Healthy and delicious! A number of other healthy snacks smile at me from the display counter, including vegetable sandwiches, salads, burgers, muesli, cakes, and wholemeal goods.

Healthy lifestyle, that is her mission. She advises me on how to strengthen my immune system from the inside and leads me through the shop. The shelves are bursting with healthy foods, everything appetisingly arranged and easy to find. It makes one want to rummage and be inspired by health and well-being.

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Staudigl Perfumery and Health Shop – Caress your Soul
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