daily 7.00-21.00 (prior reservation by phone is requested)
Senso Studio
Albrechtstraße 131
am U-Bahnhof Rathaus Steglitz
12165 Berlin-Steglitz
.How to get there
„Stay like this until next time!“, are the words Carolyne Ergin of Senso Pilates Studio uses to release from each of our Pilates sessions these days. Cheerfully, with a straight back and my head held high, I leave the premises. A room filled with the equipment that Pilates founder Joseph Hubert Pilates used to accustom his first clients to his new way of moving before they could to it on their own.
One trial session with Carolyne Ergin quickly turned into a fixed training schedule for me. Once you try Pilates, you'll see that it's hard to stop. That is how good this kind of sport, body workout, or whatever it is you prefer to call it, feels to me. I have learnt a lot about my body and breathing during the last couple of weeks: the right breathing technique, the first exercises and how to focus on yourself and temporarily forget everything else.
I learnt that it is mainly the „power house“, the central area of your body around your stomach, navel and back, that gets strengthened during Pilates. A perfect interaction of all muscles in that area is the basis for good, stable posture and every following exercise. And it's exactly that area of the body that I now automatically activate during the entire day without even thinking about it.
No matter where I am, what I do, whether I am standing, sitting or walking, this specific area of your body can be trained during any kind of activity. Contracting these muscles will relieve your back, make it easier to climb and hike or even just sit through an entire work day in the office.
Never would I have thought that such small change could have such great effect. What surprised me even more: „changing your attitude“ is no PR-slogan, it actually does alter your way of thinking. It almost feels like everything inside your body is easier and flowing more effortlessly than before, your thoughts become clearer. It really is absurd!
But I do want to admit to you the inner fights I've had during all this time of training. Those times when an exercise just doesn't work and the ultimate goal just seems unreachable. For those who want to deliver perfect results in no time, this can be quite straining. And there were indeed moments when I considered quitting.
Luckily, these are the moments Carolyne Ergin steps in, or one of her equally good co-trainers. Tirelessly, they remind you of breathing, of staying put and give you motivation and strength to continue. „While all roads lead to Rome, you're gonna have to walk through Potsdam first“, is what I am told.
Step by step, sometimes unnoticed, you'll proceed and each exercise will seem a little easier. At the end of each session, I feel thankful for every new motion sequence I now perform a little better than the last time. While walking, I think of a quote by Joseph Hubert Pilates that Ergyn once told me regarding the right way to breathe: „You have to have hunger for air“ - „I now have hunger for Pilates“, I think to myself and anticipate my next session at Senso Studio >>>.