
Spreeboote Beautiful Boat Rental License-free


Opening Times

Monday to Sunday: 9.00 am until sunset


Zur Alten Flussbadeanstalt 5
10317 Berlin-Rummelsburg
.How to get there



During my last visit at Hafenkantine in Rummelsburg last week, the grand finale of this memorable dining experience was dessert served aboard one of boat rental Spreeboote's beautiful little ships. Painted elegantly black with a teak deck and dark gray upholstery, and if you don't feel like steering the wheel yourself, you can even opt for a charming skipper. The fleet currently disposes of six boats that take up to twelve persons, and I cannot think of any better alternative.

We took off towards Oberbaumbrücke along the Spree. The moon was full and the clubs along the water let it be heard that yet another wild night in Berlin laid ahead. Smaller and bigger boats were passing by barboard and starboard, a light breeze was blowing, it felt like a movie scene come to life! The city was on its best behavior and the dessert almost became secondary.

What's even more attractive to an early riser like me though, instead of a moonshine cruise, is a boat ride during sunrise. „In the mornings, the world is still in order“ this could have been my signature phrase. And oh, how I love to just walk around the streets and parks of Berlin when the sky is crisp and blue, competing with old brick houses or the lush green of the trees. When everything still looks innocent and fresh, the day is filled with hope and expectations of what's to come.

Spreeboote Bootsverleih Berlin Picknick
Spreeboote Bootsverleih Berlin Pina
Spreeboote Berlin
Spreeboote Berlin Rummelburger Bucht Lou 2
Spreeboote Berlin Rummelburger Bucht Lou 1
Spreeboote Berlin

And that is why I immediately perked up my ears when Frank Richert, bus entrepreneur, patron and owner of Spreeboote, told us about a weekend-special that includes a breakfast picknick basket, made by the cuisiniers Hafenküche, from 9am through 12pm. Of course, the content of the basket is adjustable depending on the number of people in your boat, or made to order if you feel like starting your day with champagne.

On the next occasion, we'll make sure to pack up our friends and enjoy an open air breakfast with just enough water beneath our keel. And up and down the Spree we go! At least until our hunger makes us stop at Hafenküche for some fish'n'chips or an entrecôte with vegetables.

If your schedule is flexible, you could consider their weekday offers: rent a boat from Monday through Friday, 10am - 3pm, and you get 30% off!

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