
Deutsche Bank KunstHalle International and Young Arts

Thursday, April 14 2016

Opening Times

Mittwoch bis Montag: 11.00 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday: Closed
Thursday: 11.00 am - 9.00 pm


Deutsche Bank KunstHalle
Unter den Linden 13/15
10117 Berlin
.How to get there


+49 30 20 20 93 0

The former German Guggenheim was founded in 1997 by Deutsche Bank and Solomon R. Guggenheim. In 2013 the name of the gallery was changed to Deutsche Bank KunstHalle and it is now fully in the hands of Deutsche Bank. It is a platform for international contemporary art with focus on photography and works on paper from all trends since 1945.

Young talents from international art scene, especially from Africa, china, India and South America are given the opportunity to present their work to a broad audience for the first time. In three to four top-class exhibition a year the work from established artist like Joseph Beuys and Gerhardt Richter as well as the work of newcomers is shown. A yearly highlight is the election of the artist of the year, who is afterwards featured in a large exhibition.

Palais Populaire Terrasse © PalaisPopulaire : Deutsche Bank AG
Palais Populaire Berlin Café © Andreas Bohlender
Palais Populaire in Berlin Entree © Mathias Schormann
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Deutsche Bank KunstHalle – International and Young Arts
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