
J. & L. Lobmeyr Vienna 1823 World-famous Glass Craftmanship

Tuesday, September 13 2016

Opening Times

Monday to Saturday: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm


Kärntner Straße 26
1010 Vienna-district 1
.How to get there


+43 1 512 05 08

You’ll hardly find a Viennese household that doesn’t own at least a few items from the glass manufacturer previously known as k.u.k. Glasmanufaktur Lobmeyr. I’ve personally come across the plain yet elegant water glasses from the "Alpha" series in various colours all across Vienna’s tables.

I'm greeted with an espresso in a glass from this very series. A hot drink in a glass? I’m surprised to learn that the muslin glass- in imitation of the French silk- is incredibly pliable and resistant, whereas lead glass breaks much more quickly. Aha!

Leonid Rath, one of the managing partners in its sixth generation, guides me with reverence and a well-earned pride through the family and company history. To speak of one is to speak of the other.

The predestined location for our foray is the first floor of the traditional house J. & L. Lobmeyr on Kärntner Str., also known as the "prototype collection"- and it’s quite remarkable!

I’m told that the impressive chandelier in New York’s Metropolitan Opera came from Lobmeyr and is celebrating its fiftieth birthday this year. The occasion will be duly honoured at Vienna Design Week this autumn.

Lobmeyr Glas Wien Produktion Gravur
Lobmeyr Glas Wien Leuchten
Lobmeyr Glas Wien Serie
Lobmeyr Glas Wien Serie
LOBMEYR Showroom Wien
Lobmeyr Glas Wien Gläser
Lobmeyr Glas Wien Set
Lobmeyr Glas Wien Karaffe
LOBMEYR Gläser Showroom Wien

The sons of founder Ludwig Sr., Josef and Ludwig, were well educated in graphics. As royal purveyors to the court, they designed many chandeliers and glasses for the imperial court and other royal houses, including Prussia and Lichtenstein.

They also had their own logo, something that hadn’t existed before then! Above the initials J.l.L. lies a W, standing for Wien which is German for Vienna. The company signs under that symbol to this day, despite the owner’s name becoming Rath after Ludwig sister's son took over the family business.

Ludwig especially made a name for himself through his creativity, though he suffered from health problems throughout his life. "One moment flying high, the next drowning in despair," Leonid’s description of his great-great uncle may hold the key to his special talent.

Ludwig achieved groundbreaking success and left behind innumerable designs that are used to this day, such as the timelessly elegant drinking glass Series No. 4 from 1856- a true classic! He was a co-founder of the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts and, according to Leonid, always treated his glass materials with great respect.

Quite in contrary to Josef Hoffmann, whose daring designs pushed glass to its limits and contributed to further developments. Glass of incomparable quality!

The collaboration between the artists of "Wiener Werkstätten" led to many remarkable designs, a few of which even made it to the Museum of Modern Art in New York. And I still can’t get over the impressive chandeliers. They’re evidence of the unbroken line of innovation and skill within the successful family company.

Several particularly astounding designs came from Leonid’s cousin, in part in cooperation with big-name designers who work together with Lobmeyr. I'd love to walk out with one of the retro chandeliers on the spot.

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