When Andrea Fritschi contacted me a few days ago to tell me about her concepts of dieting and nutrition, fitness, her aesthetic viewpoints and her passion for nature I immediately knew that we were on the same page concerning most of the above. I felt the sudden urge to join one of her boot camps or yoga retreats.
Just a year ago, after searching for a trip of that kind to no avail, the trained business economist decided to take on this project herself: an agency that brings together a beautiful destination, intense workout programmes as well as an uncompromising healthy diet.
The result is an impressive mansion in the mountains of Ibiza that hosts her guests, providing a gourmet detox diet prepared by a personal chef and highly effective workouts alongside personal trainers flown in from Switzerland. The island exceeds all requirements with its landscapes and climate. “It's a dream come true”, she states.
With a maximum of 14 people, a group gets to exercise with three trainers who also offer individual coaching sessions as well as post-retreat follow-ups. Yoga retreats are led by renowned yoga instructor Nicole Gibbard. And who better to guide group hikes through the island's breathtaking landscapes than Ibiza native Toby and his team!
Apart from working out, nutrition is the other focal point of these gatherings as the needs are as manifold as there are participants. After roaming several studies, talking to experts and reflecting on her own experiences, Andrea Fritschi has put together a concept that essentially puts an emphasis on “how much of each” - a healthy combination of everything.
Depending on which workout unit one is currently partaking in, there are either many small or three proper meals a day which always include the healthiest choices of each alimentary group. The ultimate goal is not weight loss necessarily but rather finding out what food your body can process best and balancing your own biorhythm. Any medical conditions and food intolerances are specified in a custom form before the retreats to prepare individual meal plans.
Top Hill Retreats should always be what you want it to be. Whether it is weight loss, intense power workouts or softer units you care for, your requirements will be met. Whatever you opt for, your body will feel more firm and lean, lighter and healthier even after just one week.
Although I know that I should probably go for a soul-soothing yoga retreat, I cannot wait to join the boot camps. The combination of circuit training, sprints and boxing as well as hiking, walking and stretching seems like the perfect package for me to unwind from all else. The trainings, while all set to be demanding, all work with what you've got – no more, no less.
Either way: studies show that recovery is best achieved in action instead of settling on the beach. Ibiza, here I come!