
max and me A Love Story Beyond Beauty

Saturday, December 13 2014

Opening Times

max and me beauty products available at


Saint Charles Cosmothecary
Gumpendorfer Straße 33
1060 Vienna-district 6
.How to get there


+43 664 307 54 79

I discovered the wonderful body oils by max and me during a beauty spa at St. Charles Hideaway. I felt as though I was floating, and I wanted to find out how that came to be. So I went to visit the land of the elves in Vienna’s 13th district. It was already apparent by the garden that elves are living there. And the door was opened by the delightful Tanja Gruber, the “me” in the company’s name, who led us with radiant charm into her heavenly realm.

I was able to see the place where Max, her husband, and Tanja conceive the most effective combinations of oils with great sensitivity and intuitive flair. Here they are mixed by hand, individually filled and stored in shelves, which have been freshly varnished with organic paint - naturally. Even the house, where their living and working areas are seamlessly integrated, is a work of art with everything harmoniously in tune.

Lavender is the thematic color, which consequently pervades the max and me brand, as well as the Grubers’ living and working place. This is combined with positive energy, which reverberates in the air. I am fascinated how the highly vibrant oils can cleanse and nurture me, in addition to lending protection and improving my relationships with other people. It is not a mere coincidence that elves are the guardians of the young company, which was founded upon Max and Tanja’s love story that was the beginning of everything.

The couple wanted to create something of their own, in addition to living and working together. Thanks to their love of travelling and their interest in the beauty and healing rituals of indigenous peoples, they expanded their knowledge of the healing powers of plants, a passion that Tanja had always followed from childhood. In the meantime, they have collected essential oils from all over the world for use in their compositions.

Their team also includes an ultra-sensitive vibration expert and a talented biochemist, a well as two committed therapists. All of them contribute their knowhow, intuition and passion, as well as lending a hand wherever needed. And if that is not enough, then their five children also lend a helping hand. My heart is touched in view of so much enthusiasm, energy and family spirit.

max and me would like to achieve a healing effect on a metaphysical level, so they pay special attention to the particularly high vibration frequencies of the essential oils. However these only have such properties, if the plants have grown at the right site with sufficient exposure to sunlight, and they have been harvested at the right time and processed with care.

I’m suitably impressed by Tanja’s knowhow and the healing energy of plants, and I’m enthralled by the magical touch incorporated in names, such as “crystal clear beauty” or “circle of protection”, and “mesmerizing” or “queen of the elves”. These beauty potions are available upon order directly from max and me, or at selected specialized retailers, as well as at the Healing Hotels of the World.

Our conversation and the manufacturing site of max and me, which is managed with such loving care, have inspired me to try out the facial oils myself and report on their effect. In any case, it seems like I’m already benefitting from some of their special energy, since the rest of my day went so well, and I had so many nice encounters that I’d like to experience more.

max and me – A Love Story Beyond Beauty
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