Tuesday & Wednesday: 11.00 am - 4.00 pm
Thursday & Friday: 11.00 am - 6.30 pm
Saturday: 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
Die Mercerie
Nymphenburger Straße 96
80636 Munich-Neuhausen
.How to get there
I'll be the first to admit that I just can’t catch onto the big knitting and crocheting trend. The last time I knitted anything was in elementary school. On the contrary, friends of mine have been clicking away with needles for ages, and even the odd sewing machine gets fired up here or there. As I look around the Mercerie of Neunhausen, this fascination touches me for the first time.
On Nymphenburger Straße there is a store, and in this store colourful balls of yarn stack to a single work of art. Extending into it are immeasurable shelves of yarn in various weights, colours, and textures. You can find anything from the softest cashmere to the coolest linen to the thickest wool, including their own Mercerie line, only available here. Even as a non-crafty person, I can’t help but be fascinated by the selection. Upon reading the production source tags I'm sent on a journey around the globe: USA, Japan, Uruguay- the world of yarn is large!
Since there's naturally more to knitting and crafting than yarn, there are also any number of accessories to be found among the store’s stock: needle sets, scissors, measuring bands, and special care products. Not only do these have practical uses, but they're arranged so wonderfully that you could almost use them as decor. To round things off, the house designer has a number of patterns on display as well.
The Mercerie doesn't just consider itself a specialty boutique, but a place for interaction and socialisation. There's room to knit, crochet, exchange ideas, and browse through books of sewing patterns within the comfortable atmosphere of the integrated cafe– or just enjoy good cake and coffee originating from the prize-winning Japanese bakery Tanpopo, merely a stone's throw away.
Even if you don't currently need any new materials, it's certainly worth visiting owner Sabine Niebler and her team… I find the range of regular workshops on offer particularly exciting– whether you'e looking to polish off complicated pro-techniques or are a complete beginner like myself. Now and then the Mercerie crew will even fly in international knitting icons for these events.
All in all, quite a number of convincing reasons to forget the next boring netflix night and instead get creative!