
Ballet for everyone Plié, Passé und Pas de bourrée for everyone

Monday, February 02 2015

Temporarily closed!!!


+41 78 778 5939

athayoga studio
Blaufahnenstrasse 12
8001 Zürich 

Villa Egli Zürich
Höschgasse 4
8008 Zürich 

Albisriederstrasse 243
8047 Zürich

Ballet for everyone - ballet for all. Impossible? Not with Véronique Tamaccio. "It is never too late to learn to dance," says the French ex-ballerina, who has been pirouetting since she was four years old and until 2012, was a soloist at the Zurich Opera House. Two and a half years ago she left the professional stage and founded Ballet for everyone - the first ballet school in Switzerland with the above all purpose to have fun.

"I started with five students," laughs Véronique. Today, there are over 300. Among them men and women, young and old. Everyone is welcome here. "For me it's not about performance", stresses the 32-year-old. She believes those willing to openly participate, even if they have never heard of tendu and co., should have the chance. "Everyone should trust themselves into trying something new".

The one-hour workout combines elements of ballet, yoga and pilates. "The exercises improve posture and increase mobility. This is good for all body types", says Véronique. That doesn't mean there's a lack of rigor, but there's always a twinkle in her eye. "It doesn't make sense to constantly scold and correct. After all, my students don’t wish to be professional dancers. "

Véronique Tamaccio offers a total of 14 courses in three different studios. One needn’t enroll, one can also spontaneously join a class. Just bring ballet shoes (socks are fine for the first time), a towel, a water bottle and you’re good to go. And soon plié, passé and pas de bourrée won't just be foreign words any longer.

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Ballet for everyone – Plié, Passé und Pas de bourrée for everyone
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